How To Start A Fundraiser On SewaSetu

Anyone can start a fundraiser on SewaSetu. Our interface is designed to make it a simple and hassle free experience. Please follow the following steps to start your fundraiser.

Step 1: Log on to and create a free account by clicking on “Register” on the top right corner of the page.

How SewaSetu Work

Step 2: You just need to enter a few details like Name, Email id, phone number and password and click on register. We then would send an OTP to your mobile number, please enter it then you are good to go. Alternatively, you can directly signup via your Facebook or Google account.

Step 3: Login using your credentials and you will be directed to your personal SewaSetu dashboard. It should look something like this.

Step 4: Simply click on the “Start Campaign” button to get the ball rolling. Starting a campaign involves quick and easy steps. Here’s a lowdown.

1. Choose a relevant category. For your convenience we have listed 16 categories to choose from. Select the one which is closest to, or best represents your fundraiser.

2. Write a catchy but simple headline in the “Title” column, which conveys your point as well as generates reader attention. You can refer to the titles of ongoing SewaSetu campaigns.

3. Write a brief description of your campaign in the “Short Description” box. This will be used by us and the benefactors to share the campaign on social media.

4. This is what it should look like after filling up the details. Please click “Save and Continue” to proceed further.

5. Now comes the key part of the campaign. Please attach a relevant picture of the campaign beneficiary(s) in the “Feature Image” column. This will be the main image of the campaign, hence please select the best possible photo.

6. In the description tab, please elaborately explain the campaign. You can broadly classify it in three parts.

6.1.   Give an introductory paragraph about the issue at hand. In case it is a fundraiser for a medical treatment, please give the details of the illness suffered and also a brief background of the patient. You can mention things like his/her hobbies, good qualities and role models. This helps the benefactors connect with the beneficiary.

6.2.   Next, write a paragraph named “Campaign Details”. Here list out the total funds you will need for your campaign and a breakup. At this point click on the picture icon as shown below and attach all the relevant documents to prove the authenticity of your campaign. In case of any medical fundraiser attach all the doctor prescriptions and certificates.

6.3.   Finally create a sub heading called “About the campaigner”. Write briefly about yourself and elucidate the link between you and the beneficiary(s). Throughout the course of your write-up, please keep the tone of your text gentle and compassionate.

7. Finally enter the amount you want to raise and how long you want the campaign to remain online on SewaSetu. Then click on submit.

Step 5: Congratulations! You have successfully submitted your campaign. We will review and approve it within 24 hours, or in case of any discrepancies, get in touch with you.

Step 6: Please keep referring to your Dashboard and Email Id, you will receive an intimation once we have verified you campaign.

How To Withdraw Funds

Step 1: Register a Beneficiary. This mandatory for you to start receiving funds. Click on the Beneficiary tab on the dashboard and then click on “Add Beneficiary”.

Step 2: Enter your Bank Account Details and upload copies of your Passbook/Cancelled check and your PAN Card and Aadhaar Card or Trust Deed. Please note this is mandatory. After completion, click on “Save”.

Step 3: After registering the beneficiary, click on “Withdraw Funds” on the dashboard.

Step 4: You will then be directed to your campaign, click on the eye icon under the “Withdraw Funds” column.

You will then be directed to a page which provides a transparent and comprehensive breakup of your funds. This includes details like applicable deductions like taxes, earlier withdrawals (If any) and a small SewaSetu platform fee – lowest in the industry. After verifying the numbers you can click on “Request Withdrawal”.

Step 5: Enter the total amount you wish to withdraw in the popup box, select the registered beneficiary and then click on “Submit Request”. You will receive the amount in your bank account within 7 days.

How To Start A Petition On SewaSetu

You have to power to bring about change and we at SewaSetu have built a platform to help you achieve it. Creating a petition on our platform is simple, you just need to follow these quick steps.

Step 1: Log on to and create a free account by clicking on “Register” on the top right corner of the page.

Step 2: You just need to enter a few details like Name, Email id, phone number and password and click on register. We then would send an OTP to your mobile number, please enter it then you are good to go. Alternatively, you can directly signup via your Facebook or Google account.

Step 3: Login using your credentials and you will be directed to your personal SewaSetu dashboard. It should look something like this.

Step 4: Now click on the start petition tab and you will get a new window seeking basic information, which will be displayed once it goes online. You need choose a relevant category, give a catchy title, a brief description and the name of individuals or organizations you are petitioning. You can also add the names of co-petitioners, if any.

Step 5: After filling the above box, you can click “Save and Continue” on the bottom right side of the screen. This will take you to the next window. Here you need to add a relevant picture for your petition. Please make sure it is of high resolution as it will help generate reader interest.

In the description box, explain your petition in detail and add more pictures if possible. You can also add a video pertaining to the petition in the “Video” tab.

Step 6: In the last window you will be prompted to add your petition goals like the number of signatures you are seeking and the duration of your petition. Please start with a reasonable number of signatures like 500 or 1,000 you can always edit the petition to extend this number.
Step 7: You just need to click on submit and your task is done. Our team will now review it. You can check the status of your petition on the home screen of your dashboard.

In case you wish to edit your petition you can click on the “My Petition” as shown below and choose the relevant category based on your petition’s status. In case the petition is live you can select “My Petitions” otherwise select “Pending Petitions”.

You will now see a screen like this. In the actions column you can perform activities like “Editing the petition”, adding “FAQs”, adding an “Update” and viewing the petition on the website.

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